Explore Europe by Train: The Ultimate Guide to Scenic Rail Journeys and Hidden Gems

Explore Europe by Train

We love to travel to and through Europe. Over the years we became increasingly impatient and wanted to get to our destinations as quickly as possible. Therefore, we are catching more and more planes for destinations that are actually very close. This is actually a tremendous pity, because it is in fact much more fun to travel by train. We will tell you more about it in this article.

The vacation starts immediately

If you travel by train the vacation starts immediately. You do not have to worry about traffic and can relax from the moment you step in. You even win time, because you do not have to be at the train station far in advance, which is a disadvantage of flying. 

You sit down and completely relinquish control. If you travel with a party of four, you are not even bothered by unfamiliar people. You might suffer that casualty if you travel by plane. That is another advantage of your train vacation. Next to these advantages there are many more to discuss. 

The beautiful surroundings

If you travel by train you can enjoy the beautiful surroundings. Often you pass through areas you would never see otherwise. For example, it is a very big difference whether you travel to Germany by car or by train. Our preference is a train trip because you can see much more of the route. Moreover, it also costs you a lot of energy to travel by car, which again you do not have to deal with by train.

Therefore, we usually take the train for a citytrip, which is often a lot cheaper. For example, you can buy a train ticket to Paris, which is in Dutch treinkaartje naar Parijs, at an attractive price. Imagine the nice surroundings you will see en route to the romantic city. The road leading up to Paris already provides a very good time. A train trip to Paris with your lover, mom or best friend is the best trip you can book.

The sustainable alternative

Sustainability is increasingly becoming the focus of brands and companies. Although there are also a lot of customers who find it increasingly important. Traveling by train is indeed a sustainable alternative unlike traveling by plane. 

To give just one example, it is much better to travel to London by train than by plane. In that short plane trip, so much is emitted, making a train trip much more attractive to many people. You can easily obtain a train ticket to London for little money. In the Netherlands it is also better known as treinkaartje naar Londen

From now on, think more carefully about which means of transportation you choose. After all, there are many advantages to the train, such as its lesser impact on the environment. 

Out of the box

Traveling by train is a little out of the box travel for some people. You will travel to other places you are used to and that makes it so exciting. Normally you would not choose a trip to Austria or Switzerland so quickly. But now that you know you can get there by train, these destinations have suddenly become quite interesting and popular. It is also a nice idea to travel by train on ski vacation. That is much more out of the box than traveling by car or plane. 

So there are lots of advantages in taking a train trip to your favorite city trip destination. Within Europe, you can get almost anywhere by train, giving you a lot of great memories. You will make many people jealous of the hidden gems you spotted along the way!

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